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Talbot, R. and A. Mudgal
Year of Publishing
Handpump Technology Network
Guidelines for Selection and Standardisation of Handpump Technology Technical Paper 1
Country level handpump standardisation may take four or five years. There are no short cuts to attain sustainable standardisation. No matter how strong the desire may be to introduce a new handpump model or make a change in its design, the proven process of technology selection although time consuming, must precede the standardisation. Any compromise in this approach will result in a loss of confidence in handpump technology.
Courtesy of IRC online library
Bibliographical Information:
Talbot, R. and A. Mudgal (1998) Guidelines for Selection and Standardisation of Handpump Technology. Technical Paper 1 , Handpump Technology Network , Skat , St. Gallen, Switzerland
DOWNLOADS (17) level handpump standardisation may fake four iu five years. There are no short cuts to attain sustainable standardisation. No matter how strong the desire may be to introduce a new handpump model or make a change in its design, the proven process