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Young SL, Boateng GO, Jamaluddine Z, Miller JD, et al.
Year of Publishing
North Western University
HWISE Research Coordination Network
Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale User Manual
The HWISE Scale is a cross-culturally validated scale to measure water insecurity at the household level.
Each item is phrased to capture experiences that anyone in the household has had in the last four weeks.
There are 12 HWISE items that are scored between 0 (Never) and 3 (Often).
The scale gives a measurable human voice to the everyday challenges arising from insecure access to water. It is therefore for measuring impacts of WASH interventions.
The Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale was developed with with US and UK public funding and as such, it is in the public domain and freely available for use.
Bibliographical Information:
Young SL, Boateng GO, Jamaluddine Z, Miller JD, et al. (2019) Household Water Insecurity Experiences Scale. User Manual , HWISE Research Coordination Network , North Western University , USA
More Information
» HWISE Manual (Eng) + Scale Temples (English, Spanish, Indonesian)
» Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) - Research Coordination Network (RCN)
HWISE User Manual (English)