Government of Zimbabwe

Year of Publishing

Government of Zimbabwe

Government of Zimbabwe

Bush Pump. Zimbabwe Standard Specification 2013 ZWS 881:2013


This Zimbabwe Standard Specification: ZWS 881:2013: B-type Hand Pump (Bush pump), is based on the Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management – Hand Pump Technology Network (SKAT-HTN),Bush Pump Deep Well Hand Pump Specification published in 1999. The Zimbabwe “B” Type Bush Pump and all its predecessors were designed and tested by the Government of Zimbabwe. This standard was prepared by Technical Committee ME 22: Bush Pumps, under the general direction of the Building and Civil Engineering Standards Council.

Bibliographical Information:

Government of Zimbabwe (2013) Bush Pump. Zimbabwe Standard Specification 2013. ZWS 881:2013 , Government of Zimbabwe , Government of Zimbabwe


Bush Pump. Zimbabwe Standard Specification 2013 - ZWS 881:2013

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