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Baumann E.
Year of Publishing
Skat Foundation
Performance Evaluation of Handpumps used in UNIGEF Projects Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria
Every year UNICEF WES projects are purchasing large numbers of handpumps. The promotion of low cost technologies by UNICEF has had a profound impact on the implementation of the projects. UNICEF has followed the policy to standardize the types of pumps used. ln some countries that achieved total self-sufficiency in production of handpumps the standardization policy has been acclaimed as the reason for the success. Recently standardization has been criticized for restricting free market forces and suppressing the development of local private industries in smaller countries.
The scope of this study was to collect data on handpump performance in several countries in West Africa. UNICEF WES projects vary in design and execution from country to country.
Projects in Mali or Burkina Faso operate in a completely different environment then in Nigeria.
Accordingly the findings and the recommendations contrast for each country. lt is however also possible to find common denominators about the factors that influence the performance of the pumps. These collective aspects should be considered for the formulation of future strategies.
Bibliographical Information:
Baumann E. (1993) Performance Evaluation of Handpumps used in UNIGEF Projects. Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Nigeria , Skat Foundation , St. Gallen, Switzerland
Performance Evaluation of Handpumps used in UNIGEF Projects