RWSN Library

Erpf, K.
Year of Publishing
Skat Foundation
Draft Report on the RWSN Handpump lnstallation Training for the PDARI Project in Maxixe, lnhambane Province, Mozambique
ln October 2006, RWSN conducted an Evaluation Mission of the Deep-well Handpumps installed in the PDARI Project in Maxixe.
ln a following meeting at the RWSN Forum in Ghana (December 2006) DPOPH-|, PDARI, Meera & Ceiko (handpump manufacturer) and SKAT discussed the problems faced during the evaluation mission and solutions were sought to solvqthese problems. At the end of the meeting it was decided to use a smaller riser pipe (@aB mm) and use instead of stainless steel pumprods the lightweight FRP rods. These changes would bring a considerable improvement in a reduction of the pumping effort and possibly ease the installation procedures.
To install this pump configuration correctly, an installation training by SKAT - RWSN should take place as soon as the specific material would have been delivered.
Bibliographical Information:
Erpf, K. (2008) Draft Report on the RWSN Handpump lnstallation Training for the PDARI Project in Maxixe, lnhambane Province, Mozambique. , RWSN , Skat Foundation , St. Gallen, Switzerland
Handpump lnstallation Training for the PDARI Project in Maxixe, lnhambane Province, Mozambique