RWSN Library

McNicholl, D., Hope, R., Money, A., Lane, A., Armstrong, A., Dupuis, M., Harvey, A., Nyaga, C., Womble, S., Allen, J., Katuva., J., Barbotte, T., Lambert, L., Staub, M., Thomson, P., and Koehler, J.
Year of Publishing
Uptime consortium
Results-Based Contracts for Rural Water Services Uptime Working Paper 2
We explore how concessionary funding through results-based contracts for waterpoint reliability, volumetric use, and local revenue generation might enable sustainable rural water services for 100 million people by 2030. The ‘Uptime framework’ combines complementary and verifiable metrics to track progress towards reliable, equitable and sustainable services for all.
Bibliographical Information:
McNicholl, D., Hope, R., Money, A., Lane, A., Armstrong, A., Dupuis, M., Harvey, A., Nyaga, C., Womble, S., Allen, J., Katuva., J., Barbotte, T., Lambert, L., Staub, M., Thomson, P., and Koehler, J. (2020) Results-Based Contracts for Rural Water Services. Uptime Working Paper 2 , Uptime consortium
Results-Based Contracts for Rural Water Services