RWSN Library

Morgan, P.
Year of Publishing
My Garden Laboratory Experiments in technical approaches to rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene carried out in my garden and home and then in the world beyond
Dr Peter Morgan, winner of the 2013 SIWI World Water Prize, is one of the founding fathers of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector. This book is a fascinating overview of his long career and provides insights into how he and his collaborators developed some of the most effective and widespread WASH technologies, including the Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) Latrine, as many contributions to rural water supply, most notably the evolution and improvement of the Zimbabwe Bush Pump.
This personal and informative account should be read by all WASH professionals.
Bibliographical Information:
Morgan, P. (2020) My Garden Laboratory. Experiments in technical approaches to rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene carried out in my garden and home and then in the world beyond , Aquamor , Harare, Zimbabwe
My Garden Laboratory