RWSN Library

Hutton G; Gosling L.; Adank, M.; Boulenouar J.; Naughton M.; S. Fürst and Furey S. G.
Year of Publishing
Skat Foundation
Cost effective ways to leave no-one behind in rural water and sanitation Summary of RWSN E-discussion
From 27 May– 23 July 2019, RWSN ran an e-discussion on Cost effective ways to leave no-one behind in rural water and sanitation services with Guy Hutton (UNICEF), Louisa Gosling (WaterAid), Marieke Adank (IRC), Julia Boulenouar (AguaConsult) and Sean Furey, Meleesa Naughton and Sandra Fürst (RWSN). The present document summarizes the contributions received during this e-discussion.
This e-discussion planned to cover a few of the most critical topics in the financing challenge around the following questions:
1. What are the cost components of rural water supply and sanitation, and which ones tend to be forgotten and thus threaten service quality or sustainability?
2. How are these costs financed? What are the main current funding sources and which ones have greater potential in the future?
3. How can we ensure affordability and make maximum use of limited public subsidies to reach the most vulnerable populations?
Bibliographical Information:
Hutton G; Gosling L.; Adank, M.; Boulenouar J.; Naughton M.; S. Fürst and Furey S. G. (2019) Cost effective ways to leave no-one behind in rural water and sanitation. Summary of RWSN E-discussion , RWSN , Skat Foundation , Sankt Gallen
2019 Summary E-discussion Financing LNOB