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Otieno, J. O.; Omuto, C. T.; Gitau, A. A.
Year of Publishing
International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
University of Nairobi, Kenya, Department of Environmental and Biosystems Engineering
Performance evaluation and economic analysis of solar photo-voltaic water pumping systems: Case of Abakore borehole water supply system in Kenya
A solar photovoltaic (PV) water pumping system was investigated to determine performance and
economic viability. An in-built data logger was used to collect real time data on key performance
parameters. Performance indicators were defined and determined, while economic viability was analyzed
using life-cycle cost (LCC) method and these costs were compared with a diesel generator pumping
system. Solar irradiance varied from 63 W/m2 to a peak of 857 W/m2, corresponding to a maximum power
output of 11.75 kW. PV array efficiency of 12.1%, sub-system efficiency of 91.82% and overall efficiency
of 5.14% were obtained, which are well comparable to the efficiencies reported elsewhere for similar
systems. The LCC analysis showed a 20 year average unit water cost of 0.25 US $/m3 for solar PV system
and 0.6 US $/m3 for diesel genset system. Solar PV system is found to be more cost effective and suitable
for use over conventional sources.
Bibliographical Information:
Otieno, J. O.; Omuto, C. T.; Gitau, A. A. (2018) Performance evaluation and economic analysis of solar photo-voltaic water pumping systems: Case of Abakore borehole water supply system in Kenya. , University of Nairobi, Kenya, Department of Environmental and Biosystems Engineering , International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Solar photo-voltaic water pumping systems