RWSN Library

Healy, A.
Year of Publishing
Cardiff University/RWSN
Perceived trends in the development of individualised water supplies in Africa. Survey Summary
According to the results of a survey of RWSN members, the number of households in Africa who are commissioning their own boreholes to secure their domestic water supplies is increasing. This is particularly so in urban areas, but is also reported in rural areas. Overall, private boreholes are now believed to supply almost the same proportion of urban populations as municipal piped water systems. The rise in the number of boreholes is raising concerns about the security of water supplies, with risks of over-abstraction and groundwater contamination. Respondents are also concerned that climatic changes will reduce the availability of groundwater. Finally, the survey highlights the belief of most respondents that the trend towards individual domestic borehole water supply is largely unregulated and unmonitored.
Bibliographical Information:
Healy, A. (2018) Perceived trends in the development of individualised water supplies in Africa.. Survey Summary , RIGSS , Cardiff University/RWSN
Perceived trends in the development of individualised water supplies in Africa