RWSN Library

Furey S. G.
Year of Publishing
Skat Foundation
Monitoring & Data for Rural Water Supplies Poster for 2018 AGUASAN Workshop
Monitoring and data is not new to rural water supply. The emergence of water point mapping in the early 2000's attracted some interest, but it was breakout of ICT tools used for localised mapping in Malawi and for country-wide mapping in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Tanzania around 2010-12 that really grabbed attention. Since then, the potential of real-time monitoring of rural handpumps, kiosks and piped systems has become a reality and the discussion across RWSN have moved from oh shiny! excitement to mature discussions on how and why these new tools can revolutionise decisio-making, service delivery, citizen voice and government accountability. This poster is intended to provoke discussion about where we are in 2018 and what are the opportunities and challenges ahead?
Bibliographical Information:
Furey S. G. (2018) Monitoring & Data for Rural Water Supplies. Poster for 2018 AGUASAN Workshop , RWSN-UPGro-REACH , Skat Foundation
Monitoring & Data for Rural Water Supplies - Poster