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Adank, M., Le Gouais, A., Lockwood, H., Dzansi, P.
Year of Publishing
Service delivery indicators and monitoring to improve sustainability of rural water supplies in Ghana
Current approaches to monitoring rural water supplies focus primarily on coverage measured in terms of numbers of systems built and people served. Such approaches do not normally take into account the fact that, without proper support for operations and planning for maintenance and replacement, systems break down and services deteriorate. Recent studies suggest that around a third of water facilities in sub-Saharan Africa are not functioning at all or are performing well below their design standard. This paper draws on the monitoring work in Ghana by the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and Triple-S, showing how monitoring systems can be used to track service levels over time, as well as the key technical, financial and management functions of service providers or operators and the oversight and support functions of service authorities (often local or district government), so that problems can be anticipated and addressed.
Bibliographical Information:
Adank, M., Le Gouais, A., Lockwood, H., Dzansi, P. (2011) Service delivery indicators and monitoring to improve sustainability of rural water supplies in Ghana.
Service delivery indicators and monitoring to improve sustainability of rural water supplies in Ghana