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Welle K., Williams J., Pearce J., Befani B.
Year of Publishing
Water Aid, IRC
Testing The Waters A qualitative comparative analysis of the factors affecting success in rendering water services sustainable based on ICT reporting
The potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services in improving service delivery is well recognised. In the water sector, there has been a growing interest in supporting the sustainability of services in recent years. The sector has also witnessed an increase in ICT initiatives, including those that aim to improve and sustain water services. While there are a number of reviews that document different water sector ICT initiatives, the existing literature does not systematically consider the individual initiatives’ success or failure. The objective of this research is therefore to better understand the factors that facilitate and inhibit the success of ICT-based reporting to improve rural water supply sustainability.
Bibliographical Information:
Welle K., Williams J., Pearce J., Befani B. (2015) Testing The Waters. A qualitative comparative analysis of the factors affecting success in rendering water services sustainable based on ICT reporting , Water Aid, IRC
Testing The Waters