ODA Groundwater Team

Year of Publishing



Manual for Integrated Projects for Rural Groundwater Supplies


This Manual has been prepared so that Malawian professional staff can effectively and economically provide domestic water supplies to the large number of Malawi rural villages that depend on groundwater. This Manual is distributed at the seminar so that other countries may benefit from significant advances in rural groundwater development which have taken place in Malawi over the past two years with the assistance of the United Kingdom Government and United Nations Development Programme. The Manual is based on work carried out by staff of the Department of Lands, Valuation and Water in co­ operation with staff of the UKODA and UNDTCD and the participation of Malawi's industrial sector.

Bibliographical Information:

ODA Groundwater Team (1982) Manual for Integrated Projects for Rural Groundwater Supplies. , UNDP , Malawi


Manual for Integrated Projects for Rural Groundwater Supplies

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