Paul Omondi, Mwanasha Ally and Evangline Wanyama

Year of Publishing



Domestic Rainwater Harvesting: Tanzania Field Study Report 2009


This report presents the key findings of a study of the domestic rainwater harvesting (DRWH) sub-sector in Tanzania. The principle purpose of the study was to assess the potential of rainwater harvesting (RWH) for domestic use in Tanzania, and equally to collect appropriate background information necessary to evaluate the potential commercialization of the EnterpriseWorks/Vita flexible membrane water tank. Essentially, the study sought to assess the preferred product attributes and technical parameters needed to stimulate demand for the product and evaluate the potential for its commercialization.

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Bibliographical Information:

Paul Omondi, Mwanasha Ally and Evangline Wanyama (2009) Domestic Rainwater Harvesting: Tanzania. Field Study Report 2009 , EnterpriseWorks/VITA , EnterpriseWorks/VITA , Washington DC, USA


Domestic Rainwater Harvesting: Tanzania

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