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Year of Publishing
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy
Manual for Accelerating Self Supply Water Supply & Sanitation Directorate
This Self Supply Acceleration Manual deals with a matter that is very close and important to achieve the target set by the Government of Ethiopia in its Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP). In the GTP target, the Government has placed considerable emphasis on the delivery of clean water to the people of Ethiopia. During the first three years period of the GTP (2003-2005E.C), over 22.2 Million people across the country were able to get access to clean water. This has significant developmental impact in improving their life in general and that of women and children in particular.
Bibliographical Information:
MoWE (2014) Manual for Accelerating Self Supply. Water Supply & Sanitation Directorate , Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Manual for Accelerating Self Supply, Ethiopia