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Water quality testing to establish whether high iron originates from corrosion of pump components or the aquifer Method Sheet
The Problem:
(1) Production of a red/brown coloured discharge first thing in the morning. This is caused by the discharge of corrosion products that have accumulated in the well during the night when there was no pumping. In most cases, the discharge clears up as the solid corrosion products are removed from the well.
(2) Discolouration of water which was clear when pumped, but develops a red/brown discolouration after a few minutes to hours. This is the result of the oxidation of ferrous iron (Fe2+) to ferric iron (Fe3+), which causes the precipitation of iron hydroxides and oxides. This could be caused by either naturally high ferrous iron in the aquifer, or the addition of iron to the well water from corrosion of handpump components.
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Bibliographical Information:
BROWN, L. (2013) Water quality testing to establish whether high iron originates from corrosion of pump components or the aquifer. Method Sheet , WaterAid , London, UK
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Water quality testing to establish whether high iron originates from corrosion of pump components or the aquifer