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Compilation: K. Klingel and S. Diener
Year of Publishing
Skat Consulting Ltd
ApaSan, SDC, ADC
Guidebook for the implementation of decentralised water supply systems in Moldova ApaSan, Swiss Water and Sanitation Project in Moldova
What is the guidebook about?
In 10 years of successful cooperation between Switzerland and Moldova, rural communities in Moldova have been supported with the construction of decentralised water supply systems. These new water supply systems use springs located close to the villages and distribute the water through a pipe network to the households of the community. The systems are managed by community based organisations, the Water
Consumer Associations (WCA). Such decentralised and community managed water supply systems have proven to be very successful in providing sustainable water supply for rural communities. This approach therefore merits wider application throughout rural Moldova. The aim of the guidebook is to make this experience available, with the hope that it is used to implement more systems that provide better and lasting water supply services for the rural population in Moldova.
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.
Bibliographical Information:
Compilation: K. Klingel and S. Diener (2014) Guidebook for the implementation of decentralised water supply systems in Moldova. ApaSan, Swiss Water and Sanitation Project in Moldova , ApaSan, SDC, ADC , Skat Consulting Ltd , St Gallen, Switzerland
More Information
Guidebook for the implementation of decentralised water supply systems in Moldova
Ghid pentru implementarea sistemelor decentralizate de aprovizionare cu apă în Republica Moldova