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WaterAid / SHARE
WEDC, Loughborough University
Mainstreaming disability and ageing in water, sanitation and hygiene programmes A mapping study carried out for WaterAid UK
The mainstreaming disability and aging in WASH programmes report recognises that progress on the MDGs is not happening in an equitable way. A drive for increasing coverage of basic services, such as WASH has meant that people who are ‘harder to reach’, such as disabled and older people often remain un-served.
This report presents an overview of the extent to which disability and ageing is mainstreamed in WASH programmes. Drawing on experiences from WASH organisations around the world, it is evident that disability and ageing have received increased attention in the WASH sector over the last decade, but there is still a long way to go to achieve genuine mainstreaming. The current picture is of a ‘continuum’ of progress towards mainstreaming. This continuum provides a framework for WASH implementers to analyse their own equity and inclusion activities. With further refinement, it could also provide a practical tool for use by implementers in reviewing progress, and planning next steps in mainstreaming disability and ageing within their organisation and programmes. The thought provoking report provides a starting point and structure for discussion of ways forward.
Bibliographical Information:
JONES, H. (2013) Mainstreaming disability and ageing in water, sanitation and hygiene programmes. A mapping study carried out for WaterAid UK , WEDC, Loughborough University , WaterAid / SHARE , London, UK
Mainstreaming disability and ageing in water, sanitation and hygiene programmes