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Year of Publishing
Development Policies & Practice - May 2012 From Market Logic to a Public Water Service: What Role for public authorities?
Small water network entrepreneurs have earned the recognition of public authorities and donors over the past fifteen years. In a large number of developing countries, they are now seen as legitimate actors in the field of water supply in small agglomerations and neighborhoods of large cities. But their action continues to raise important questions: How can they be made more professional while preserving their ability to adapt to local expectations? How can quality standards be raised without making them less affordable? What mechanisms can be used to fi nance and supervise their activities? In practice, allowing small entrepreneurs a place in the “water market” is not enough to ensure access for the largest number or ongoing improvements in services. Public intervention is central to organize these actors’ shift to public service logics.
Bibliographical Information:
NAULET, F. (2012) Development Policies & Practice - May 2012. From Market Logic to a Public Water Service: What Role for public authorities? , No 6, 2012 , GRET
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