
Year of Publishing

WASHTech Project


TIP Matrix for cost Model “CapEx subsidized”


The following tables include an example list of tasks for the Cost Model “CapEx subsidized”.

For this example the set up was chosen as follows:
A sanitation technology is produced and delivered by local artisans and provider to user, e.g. a latrine. The process of introduction is facilitated by local NGOs. The investment costs, the CapEx are subsidized by the government, however the households, the users, have to cover the cost for minor and ma-jor repairs (OpEx and CapManEx respectively).

The example list of tasks is provided to show how a division of tasks could be organized following a CapEx subsidized approach. However for each spe-cific case the division of tasks needs to be verified and customized to the specific context.

Bibliographical Information:

OLSCHEWSKI, A. (2013) TIP Matrix for cost Model “CapEx subsidized”. , WASHTech Project


TIP Matrix for cost Model CapEx subsidized

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