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Acqua-OING, programme Solidarité Eau
Acqua-OING, programme Solidarité Eau
Regulating and Monitoring the Technical & Financial Performance of Small Systems/Suivi technique & financier et régulation Understanding, implementing and applying monitoring mechanisms to improve the quality and support the regulation of water services
Afin d’améliorer la qualité et la durabilité des services d’eau, des mécanismes de suivi ont été testés, produisant pour certains des résultats très positifs. Aujourd’hui il existe une diversité d’expériences de suivi des services d’eau dans plusieurs pays.
With a view to improving the quality and sustainability of water services, a number of monitoring mechanisms have been piloted, some of which have produced highly positive results. Today, there is a wide range of monitoring experience to be found in several countries.
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Bibliographical Information:
FAGGIANELLI, D & DESILLE, D (2013) Regulating and Monitoring the Technical & Financial Performance of Small Systems/Suivi technique & financier et régulation. Understanding, implementing and applying monitoring mechanisms to improve the quality and support the regulation of water services , Acqua-OING, programme Solidarité Eau , Acqua-OING, programme Solidarité Eau
Regulating and Monitoring the Technical and Financial Performance of Small Towns
Suivi technique & financier et régulation