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Ministry of Water and Environment
Year of Publishing
Ministry of Water and Environment
Ministry of Water and Environment
Self Supply: Experiences in Uganda A compilation of the case studies on self-supply presented at the 3rd National Learning Forum, City Royal Hotel, December 5-6, 2011
Over the past 14 years, the government of Uganda has undertaken studies and supported pilot projects for domestic roof water harvesting and incremental improvements to shallow wells by households. The projects were primarily implemented by NGOs. More recently the Ministry of Water and Environment(MWE) encouraged District Local Governments to construct domestic roof water harvesting facilities for demonstration purposes; sensitized District Local Governments and NGOs about the concept of self supply; and developed a strategy for accelerating self supply (2011- 2015).
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.
Bibliographical Information:
Ministry of Water and Environment (2012) Self Supply: Experiences in Uganda. A compilation of the case studies on self-supply presented at the 3rd National Learning Forum, City Royal Hotel, December 5-6, 2011 , Ministry of Water and Environment , Ministry of Water and Environment
Self Supply: Experiences in Uganda