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Year of Publishing
Rural Water Supply Network
Handpump Technology Network/Skat
Handpump Technology Input to the Joint Review of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Eastern Uganda Project- RUWASA Phase IIA
The RUWASA project decided in 1992 to replace all GI rising main and rods with SS materials and to start a monitoring programme on 12 selected wells to check the performance of the SS pipes and rods. The September 1997 report concluded that the SS components showed signs of corrosion and that the watertank and the endcap of the cylinder showed extensive corrosion.
An extended study was carried out in 1998, which revealed that 42% of the 124 wells showed pitting or crevice corrosion of the rising main pipes. Danida asked HTN to:
* assess the performance of the U3 handpumps
* recommend changes in the technology choice for Project Phase IIB
* propose strategies how the material in stock can best be utilised
Bibliographical Information:
BAUMANN, E. (1998) Handpump Technology Input to the Joint Review of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Eastern Uganda Project- RUWASA Phase IIA. , Handpump Technology Network/Skat , Rural Water Supply Network , St Gallen, Switzerland
Handpump Technology Input to the Joint Review of the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Eastern Uganda Project- RUWASA Phase IIA