Deveroll P., Bibby S, Wedgwood A, and Smout I.

Year of Publishing

Loughborough University


Designing Water and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand in Rural and Peri-urban Communities Book 1, Concepts, Principles and Practice


This book is divided into two parts. Part 1 looks at all aspects of ‘demand’ for a service. Demand is assessed in several ways and affected by many external factors. Some factors will affect the options which are available to the users, such as ability to pay for a service. These issues are discussed in detail in Part 1. Part 2 of the book is concerned with ‘practice’. It offers guidance to practitioners with respect to ‘demand’ to enable them to: develop a project strategy; identify peoples in risk of exclusion; prioritise communities’ activities; appraise a community plan; develop a range of service options; support local management to ensure sustainability.
As a guidance document it is a valuable resource for project planners. It provides detailed help, along with case study examples, of what factors need to be considered from the very beginning of a project.

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.

Bibliographical Information:

Deveroll P., Bibby S, Wedgwood A, and Smout I. (2002) Designing Water and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand in Rural and Peri-urban Communities. Book 1, Concepts, Principles and Practice , WEDC , Loughborough University , Loughborough, UK


Designing Water and Sanitation Projects to Meet Demand in Rural and Peri-urban Communities

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