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Greaves, F.
Year of Publishing
Tearfund Key Learning Subject Area: Water and Sanitation
This short word document identifies nine specific areas for action or recommendations. These are: 1) Community participation should be incorporated into WASH projects at every stage of relief intervention; 2) Help beneficiaries to create appropriate community-based management structures for WASH facilities; 3) WASH interventions must be based on an integration of water provision and safe excreta disposal and hygiene promotion; 4) Adopt mechanisms for cost-recovery of WASH projects appropriate to the context; 5) Ensure the project links with local government through, influencing, advocating and supporting local policy development for improved access to WASH, besides ensuring that local government agencies make appropriate contributions to the project; 6) Consider environmental sustainability in WASH projects; 7) Ensure effective supply chains are in place for spare parts for pumps, generators, treatment equipment and consumables, and water testing equipment; 8) Where possible, adopt social marketing processes in WASH; 9) Adopt Water Safety Plans.
Each recommendation is supplemented by detailed reasons and benefits. As a guidance document, this brief report would be useful as a check-list for existing projects and an excellent starting point for future ones.
DISCLAIMER: This is a non-RWSN publication and endorsement by RWSN or any of its member organisations should not be inferred.
Bibliographical Information:
Greaves, F. (2009) Tearfund Key Learning. Subject Area: Water and Sanitation , Tearfund
Tearfund Key Learning