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Skat Foundation
Community Water Supply in Switzerland what can we learn from a century of successful operation?
In the last decade there has been a marked shift towards decentralisation in many developing countries as responsibilities are passed from national administrations to local authorities. In many places this shift to a local approach has left the communities isolated and struggling.
Many infrastructure projects are in difficulties because of the lack of organisational support and know-how. In Switzerland, rural communities have developed and managed their own water supply networks for a long time – in some cases over 100 years. There may be lessons that have been learned in Switzerland over this period that could be helpful - if properly adapted - to communities in developing countries as they take responsibility for their own systems.
Bibliographical Information:
SALADIN, M. (2004) Community Water Supply in Switzerland. what can we learn from a century of successful operation? , Skat Foundation , St Gallen, Switzerland
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Community Water Supply in Switzerland