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Year of Publishing
Cranfield University
Improving water supplies for sedentary cattle-owning communities in Bundibugyo, Uganda MSc Thesis Academic Year 2006/7
Water resources management is a particular challenge for cattle-owning communities. Rwebisengo Sub-County lies in Bundibugyo District in Western Uganda. This rural region is water-stressed because water access can be limited regarding quantity and quality, and the conventional technologies present challenges of sustainability. As cattle husbandry firmly remains the primary source of livelihoods, and transhumant pastoralism is the predominant farming system, animals and the mobility involved in the search for pasture and water are other elements of the challenge.
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Bibliographical Information:
FOUEGUE, J-A. (2007) Improving water supplies for sedentary cattle-owning communities in Bundibugyo, Uganda. MSc Thesis Academic Year 2006/7 , Cranfield University , Bedfordshire, UK
Improving water supplies for sedentary cattle-owning communities in Bundibugyo, Uganda