Korzenevica, M., Njaggah, P., Githu, I., Matiru, V., Matere, C.

Year of Publishing


Oxford: School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford

Public participation and community engagement in domestic water supply management in Kenya: Progress and directions Report


This report, produced by the University of Oxford in collaboration with representatives from civil society, research institutions, government organisations, and NGOs, evaluates public participation and community engagement in domestic water supply management in Kenya, analysing policy progress, practices, and challenges within an evolving governance landscape. By exploring public participation in the context of Kenya’s pursuit of water security, the report examines how community engagement can foster sustainability, transparency and empowerment.

Bibliographical Information:

Korzenevica, M., Njaggah, P., Githu, I., Matiru, V., Matere, C. (2024) Public participation and community engagement in domestic water supply management in Kenya: Progress and directions. Report , Oxford: School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford

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» Public participation and community engagement in domestic water supply management in Kenya: Progress and directions


Public participation and community engagement in domestic water supply management in Kenya: Progress and directions

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