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The Consumer Research Laboratory, UK
Year of Publishing
UNDP, World Bank, Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project
Handpumps for Community Water Supply Report of the Research and Development Coordination Meeting and an Agenda for Action
In April 1987, a group of twenty people involved in handpump research and development met for four days of intensive discussions at the Glen Eagle Hotel, Harpenden, England. Everyone in the group had current interests in handpump research and development, whether as representatives of funding agencies, as Regional Project Officers of the UNDP/World Bank Handpumps Project, as technologists working in research institutions, or as consultants with special interests in the subject. The group was joined by members of staff from the Consumer Research Laboratory (CRL) at Harpenden (previously known as CATR), and representatives of the Crown Agents, European Vinyls, and DuPont, Switzerland.
The principal purpose of the meeting was to coordinate future handpump research and development. To this end, the meeting set out to define a handpump research and development program which would address the key research issues, optimize the use of resources (skills, facilities and funds) and explore additional sources of funding.
This report draws together discussions, both of working groups and of plenary sessions, covering a wide range of research and development topics. The meeting concluded that the most pressing hardware problems, affecting almost every country, centered on the rising main, handle bearings, piston seals, corrosion in the below-ground assembly and the development of direct action pumps.
Bibliographical Information:
The Consumer Research Laboratory, UK (1987) Handpumps for Community Water Supply. Report of the Research and Development Coordination Meeting and an Agenda for Action , UNDP, World Bank, Rural Water Supply Handpumps Project , Harpenden, United Kingdom
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