Stef Smits and Olivier Kanangire

Year of Publishing


IRC, Water For People, Isoko y’Ubuzima

Rwanda WASH Sector Performance Review Report


The Government of Rwanda (GoR) has set targets to achieve universal access to water and sanitation services by 2024, as well as achieving SDG targets of safely managed water supply services and use of improved sanitation facilities by 2030. Efforts have been put by GoR to achieve these targets. The current WASH status as per Demographic Health Survey report of September 2021 indicates that 80% of households have access to an improved water source whereas 72% of households have access to improved sanitation. This implies that there is still a wide gap between current levels of services and the targets to be achieved by 2024.

Improving these service levels requires both acceleration of progress and sustaining the gains made. In turn, this requires improved performance, efficiency, and efficacy of the national and decentralized systems for planning, financing, providing, and maintaining these services while ensuring they are equitable. For that reason, the sector has focused over the past years on strengthening the systems for service delivery.

In March 2019, in a WATSAN Sector Analysis Workshop, through participatory consultations with sector stakeholders, a set of sector building blocks was defined which would guide government and partners on priority actions needed to implement the NST1 WASH targets.

In June 2019 WATSAN Sector Working Group (SWG) conducted a workshop to analyze the status of the Water and Sanitation sector and came up with a Sector Analysis Report. On September 21, 2021, a consultant was commissioned to conduct a review of the June 2019 Sector Analysis report. The report highlighted some challenges and gaps and recommended a more in-depth assessment of the WASH sector through a building blocks assessment, in order to have a clear picture of WASH sector in Rwanda.
This report presents the in-depth assessment of the WASH system assessment.

Bibliographical Information:

Stef Smits and Olivier Kanangire (2022) Rwanda WASH Sector Performance Review Report. , IRC, Water For People, Isoko y’Ubuzima

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Rwanda WASH Sector Performance Review Report

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