Richard Carter, Mike Byers

Year of Publishing


Cranfield University, IRC (Delft), Aguaconsult

Landscaping of Technologies An output of the project “Landscaping and Review of Approaches and Technologies for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Opportunities for Action”


This landscaping document was prepared as part of a broader review of the water, sanitation and hygiene (WS&H) sector commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation (the foundation). This is a supporting document to the main report, which provides an overview of technologies that have been employed in the delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene services. The document provides a framework for assessing and appraising technologies and explores the reasons for the past take up, or failure, taking into account requirements for management, operation and maintenance. It provides a number of recommendations as to the most promising technologies and areas where further research and development may be required.

Bibliographical Information:

Richard Carter, Mike Byers (2006) Landscaping of Technologies. An output of the project “Landscaping and Review of Approaches and Technologies for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Opportunities for Action” , Cranfield University, IRC (Delft), Aguaconsult

More Information


The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation Landscaping of Technologies

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