Nay Oo Keh, Tim Davis, Ellen Greggio, John Knight

Year of Publishing

Water Aid

DRD, Water Aid

Department of Rural Development Rural Water Supply Monitoring - methodology, key findings and lessons learnt


Following an initial assessment of current rural water supply monitoring in Myanmar in 2017, which identified the key bottlenecks and opportunities for strengthening, WaterAid has
supported DRD with monitoring of rural water supply in three townships. These were selected from different regions/ states (Magway, Shan and Ayeyarwady) to represent the water supply
situation in different geographical areas (dry zone, hill, and coastal areas respectively) and develop tool suitable for all contexts.

Bibliographical Information:

Nay Oo Keh, Tim Davis, Ellen Greggio, John Knight (2019) Department of Rural Development Rural Water Supply Monitoring - methodology, key findings and lessons learnt. , DRD, Water Aid , Water Aid

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Rural Water Supply Monitoring - methodology, key findings and lessons learnt

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