Esha A. A., Rahman M. R., Salehin M., Chowdhury A. I. A.

Year of Publishing

Durham University

REACH Programme

What Makes a Drinking Water Technology Resilient to Climatic Hazards? REACH Programme Poster


Despite the increasing use of the term 'resilience', there is further ambiguity and a need to define it beyond certain systems. What does resilience mean under a changing climate where disasters are recurrent? Drinking water crisis in Bangladesh is worsening and the coastal population often experience water supply disruption due to non-functioning drinking water technologies. . Climate change can directly disrupt water supply infrastructure and indirectly cause damage through deteriorating water quality and quantity. The poster was presented at REACH Water Security and Poverty conference at University of Oxford.

Bibliographical Information:

Esha A. A., Rahman M. R., Salehin M., Chowdhury A. I. A. (2023) What Makes a Drinking Water Technology Resilient to Climatic Hazards?. REACH Programme Poster , REACH Programme , Durham University

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What Makes a Drinking Water Technology Resilient to Climatic Hazards?

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