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Stop the Rot at ZAWAFE, Zambia 2023
The 11th Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE) was entitled: "Accelerating Water Security and Sanitation Investments in Zambia: Towards Attainment of Agenda 2023 through the Zambia Water Investment Programme”. The three day event included a focussed session called "Addressing Rapid Hand Pump Corrosion in Zambia - Stop the Rot!”, which was co-convened by UNICEF and WaterAid. The session briefly set the international context, provided an overview of this phenomenon in Zambia, and shared experiences of tackling it from Empowered Communities Helping Others – ECHO Zambia, Kalumbila District and Aquaquest Ltd, followed by a lively discussion. You can download the five presentations below, together with the session concept and report.
Bibliographical Information:
Various (2023) Stop the Rot at ZAWAFE, Zambia 2023. , Various , RWSN
More Information
0 - Rapid Handpump Corrosion - International Context
1 - History of the Rapid Hand pump Corrosion Problems in Zambia and Potential Next Steps
2 - The role of galvanized pipes in the corrosion and failure of hand pumps
3 - The Journey towards reducing the effects of rapid corrosion in Kalumbila District
4 - When stainless steel is not stainless
Stop the Rot @ ZAWAFE 2023, Lusaka, Zambia: Report of Focussed Session
Concept note focussed session at the 11th Zambia Water Forum and Exhibition (ZAWAFE)