RWSN Library

Government of Uganda
Year of Publishing
Ministry of Water & Environment
Technical Specification. Drilling, Test pumping , Pump Installation and Associated Works Water Supply and Sanitation Programme
Contents of this Technical Specifications
1. Technical Specification
2. Annex 1: Standard Borehole Designs
3. Annex 2: Test pumping form
4. Annex 3: Borehole apron design
5. Annex 4: Typical Reporting Forms
Technical Specifications
These technical specifications have been developed to guide the drilling of hand pumps and
production boreholes for supplying water to various communities. They are based on various
documents for borehole construction. In developing the spacifications, different stakeholders,
drilling contractors, hydrogeologists and engineers who have experience in the drilling industry
have been involved and consulted.
Bibliographical Information:
Government of Uganda (2019) Technical Specification. Drilling, Test pumping , Pump Installation and Associated Works. Water Supply and Sanitation Programme , Ministry of Water & Environment
Technical Specification. Drilling, Test pumping , Pump Installation and Associated Works