RWSN Library

Bhatnagar, N, Lampert, S, Goyal, V, Mehta, R, Rai, R, Chandrasekhar, A
Year of Publishing
The Untapped Potential of Decentralized Solutions to Provide Safe, Sustainable Drinking Water at Large Scale The State of the Safe Water Enterprises Market
This report presents an analysis of fourteen Safe Water Enterprises (SWEs) from Africa, Asia and Latin America as well as a global market analysis of the sector. It establishes the scale of the market which SWEs could realistically serve and presents recommendations on how they can overcome common challenges faced in improving and growing this model of water service delivery. A theoretical cost-to-serve by SWEs analysis was undertaken for the estimated 3.8 billion people without safely treated water.
Bibliographical Information:
Bhatnagar, N, Lampert, S, Goyal, V, Mehta, R, Rai, R, Chandrasekhar, A (2017) The Untapped Potential of Decentralized Solutions to Provide Safe, Sustainable Drinking Water at Large Scale. The State of the Safe Water Enterprises Market , Dalberg
The Untapped Potential of Decentralized Solutions to Provide Safe, Sustainable Drinking Water at Large Scale