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Pokhrel, N. and S. Adhikary
Year of Publishing
Asian Development Bank
Tapping the unreached Nepal Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Projects: A Sustainable Model of Service Delivery
This booklet highlights the success of these projects, which was achieved with effective government leadership and response. It captures the key features of successful delivery of water and sanitation services in small towns, sector reforms in the country as a result of this success, and lessons learned that water supply and sanitation experts, practitioners, program managers, and policy makers can use in designing water supply and sanitation interventions.
Bibliographical Information:
Pokhrel, N. and S. Adhikary (2017) Tapping the unreached. Nepal Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Projects: A Sustainable Model of Service Delivery , Asian Development Bank , Manila, Philippines
More Information
» Film: Clean Water Brings Hygiene and Happiness in Nepal's Small Towns