Setty, K., K. Marshall, C. Delaire and R. Peletz

Year of Publishing

Aquaya Institute


How do rural Ugandan communities experience a subscription-based handpump maintenance service? Subscription Handpump Maintenance Evaluation


• Community members may prefer to pay for water seasonally rather than monthly.
• Volunteer water user committee members sometimes misused funds, reducing the revenue available for water point maintenance.
• The water point caretaker role was critical to socially appropriate problem-solving and fee collection, justifying a formal position and appropriate compensation.
• Conflicts over queuing and water transport containers could negate the benefits of safe water access.

Bibliographical Information:

Setty, K., K. Marshall, C. Delaire and R. Peletz (2022) How do rural Ugandan communities experience a subscription-based handpump maintenance service?. Subscription Handpump Maintenance Evaluation , Aquaya Institute


How do rural Ugandan communities experience a subscription-based handpump maintenance service?

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Uganda Subscription Evaluation - Research Brief

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