Kumar Daw, R.

Year of Publishing



Case Studies in Community Management of Drinking Water Supply Systems in Kenya Part 1, September 2009; Part 2, 2010-11


With the backdrop of the Reform scenario and the passage of the Water Act of 2002, Kenya was moving steadily towards devolving and privatization of the responsibility of operation and management of water supply systems away from government institutions. However, community management of water sources was not new in Kenya and that such systems have existed for a long time, some traditional, some new, some good and some not so.

The purpose of this compilation was to provide a factual basis for formulation of a concept document for re-establishing community-based management in rural water systems in Kenya with the objective of improving sustainability of drinking water sources in the context of “modern” water supply systems and the reforms of the sector.

Bibliographical Information:

Kumar Daw, R. (2009) Case Studies in Community Management of Drinking Water Supply Systems in Kenya. Part 1, September 2009; Part 2, 2010-11 , UNICEF , unpublished


Case Studies in Community Management of Drinking Water Supply Systems in Kenya

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