Kumar Daw, R.

Year of Publishing


Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources and National Water Resources Institute

Preventive Maintenance of RUWATSAN 1 and India Mark II handpumps


Like any mechanical device, the parts of a handpump suffer from wear and tear with use and need maintenance to keep it in good running condition. Also like any machine, the handpump gives adequate signs of malfunction before it actually stops working, or breaks down. Therefore, it is necessary to understand these signals.

This guideline gives an overview of the practical steps of preventative maintenance of India Mark II handpumps in Nigeria

Bibliographical Information:

Kumar Daw, R. (2008) Preventive Maintenance of RUWATSAN 1 and India Mark II handpumps. , Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Water Resources and National Water Resources Institute , UNICEF , Abuja and Kaduna, Nigeria


Preventive Maintenance of RUWATSAN 1 and India Mark II handpumps

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