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Fussi, F., M. Caruba, F. Asplund
Year of Publishing
Identification of suitable zones for manual drilling in Guinea Bissau and estimation of the potential for development
The present study showed that manual drilling is a valid low-cost option to cope with some of the major problems concerning access to safe water in Guinea Bissau, in particular to supply water for small communities with difficult access and small size, generally excluded from the target of expensive mechanized drilling. Since there is limited experience of manual drilling in Guinea Bissau, it is possible to estimate the price of hand drilled wells from the example of Guinea Conakry, where this technique is expanding and where a hand drilled wells costs between 980 and 2300 euros (without pump)
Two aspects are considered important for adequate promotion of manual drilling in Guinea Bissau:
(1) the implementation of a training program in tools construction and drilling techniques
(2) the introduction of simpler and less expensive pumping equipment, that can provide an adequate solution for small groups and are easy to repairs; pump failure is one of the major problems observed in Guinea Bissau
Bibliographical Information:
Fussi, F., M. Caruba, F. Asplund (2014) Identification of suitable zones for manual drilling in Guinea Bissau and estimation of the potential for development. , UNICEF
Identification of suitable zones for manual drilling in Guinea Bissau and estimation of the potential for development
Map of suitable areas, Manual drilling Guinea Bissau 2018