RWSN Leave no one behind Theme and RWSN secretariat

Year of Publishing



Accountability for equitable rural water supply in the COVID-19 era Presentation at the 42nd WEDC International Conference, 14 September 2021


The session enabled different stakeholders to share experiences on accountability for equitable rural water supply during the time of crisis (COVID-19). This includes new and emerging ways to empower civil society and communities; to strengthen integrity, support government-led accountability mechanisms; and use human rights to clarify roles, responsibilities and rights of duty bearers and rights holders. Key outcomes of a RWSN E-discussion and some experiences from the field were presented followed by group discussions that enabled participants to focus on the specific issues that are most relevant to them.

Bibliographical Information:

RWSN Leave no one behind Theme and RWSN secretariat (2021) Accountability for equitable rural water supply in the COVID-19 era. Presentation at the 42nd WEDC International Conference, 14 September 2021 , RWSN , RWSN , St Gallen, Switzerland

More Information

» Recording of Accountability for equitable rural water supply in the COVID-19 era


42 WEDC Conference- Accountability for equitable rural water supply in the COVID-19 era presentation
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