1818 H Street, NW
20433 Washington DC
Contact Person
Ndeye Awa Diagne
The World Bank The World Bank is a member of the RWSN Executive Committee
The World Bank joined the RWSN Executive Steering Committee in September 2011, and was an member previously through the Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP).
The Water Global Practice is responsible for a portfolio of about $30 billion in World Bank lending through 170 projects. Additionally, the Bank finances of $13 billion in multi-sector projects related to water. Water Supply and Sanitation, traditionally the largest part of the water portfolio, currently accounts for 53% of the work program with 34% devoted to urban water supply and sanitation and 19% on rural water supply and sanitation. In Water Resources Management (WRM) has increased to 25% of the portfolio and is growing. The remaining 22% of activities in the portfolio are related to water in agriculture, hydropower and dams, and other areas.
More Information (on external Websites)
» Sharing Global Knowledge on Sustainable Rural Water Supply
The World Bank is partnering with the Rural Water Supply Network on a series of webinars and a global knowledge network to share information on sustainable rural water solutions with practitioners around the world.
The World Bank seeks to expand access to safe drinking water in rural areas and maintain the sustainability of rural water systems, from hand pumps to more elaborate systems. To accomplish these goals, it works closely with governments to strengthen their capacities to deliver services and encourages public-private partnerships to serve areas where appropriate.
» RWSN/World Bank Webinar Series - Spring 2012
The RWSN Forum, held in Kampala in late 2011, brought together an outstanding group of international experts to share the latest knowledge about providing rural people with safe water. The 11 webinars in this series featured Forum speakers re-giving some of the best Forum presentations.