Announcement from 14.03.2022
Short-term consultancy: RWSN Governance

Gov Review
© 2022 RWSN • RWSN
The Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) is a global network with over 13,000 members in 168 countries. It is an informal organisation that does not exist legally. The Secretariat is hosted by Skat Foundation, in Switzerland, which collaborates with volunteer Theme Leaders, who lead networking and knowledge exchange activities around six thematic areas. The network is governed by an Executive Steering Committee (ExecSC), which comprises representatives from the African Development Bank, IRC, SDC, Skat Foundation, UNICEF, WaterAid and the World Bank.
RWSN is currently reviewing and revising its governance. The objective is that by the end of 2022, RWSN has a clear governance document that sets out the rules and protocols of how the network operates.
We are looking for a consultant or consultants to undertake a short assignment to find answers to the following questions:
1. How can Regional RWSN “chapters” or “hubs” be incorporated into RWSN’s overall global governance?
2. How can the structure and processes of the RWSN Executive Steering Committee be more reflective of the key principles?
Please follow the link below to download the full call