WHO’s updated Guidelines for small drinking-water supplies and associated sanitary inspection tools Launch: 15 February


© 2024 RWSN • RWSN-WHO

Project starts: 2024
Project finished:
Collaborators & Partners: WHO, RWSN
Funder: WHO


#Webinar alert! World Health Organization and RWSN - Rural Water Supply Network will hold a global webinar on 15 February to launch WHO's updated Guidelines for drinking-water quality: small water supplies, and the associated Sanitary inspection packages – a supporting tool for the Guidelines for drinking water quality: small water supplies.

These publications build on over 60 years of guidance by WHO on drinking-water quality and safety, and together update and supersede WHO’s 1997 guidance addressing the surveillance and control of community supplies. The new publications provide practical guidance for progressive improvements towards safe and sustainable drinking-water services for people served by the full diversity of small water supplies.

In this session, participants will gain awareness of key features of the Guidelines and tools, exchange with experts and practitioners on implementing the recommendations and guidance, and gain insights into upcoming efforts to further support implementation of the guidance.

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