RWSN Talks Usage Policy
At RWSN, our goal is to spread ideas and increase professionalism in the rural water supply sector worldwide. We encourage the RWSN members, non-profit organizations, bloggers, companies news media, and the like to share RWSN talks, films and webinar recordings that are open for distribution, through social media, other platforms and public events. While sharing ideas openly is a big part of who we are, we do license our content under certain conditions listed below.
Material presented in RWSN webinars and RWSN Talks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The intellectual property image rights and copyrights remain the property of presenters and/or their organisations. RWSN and Skat Foundation do not accept any liability or give any guarantee for the validity, accuracy and completeness of the information provided.