RWSN Ressources

Mudgal, A. K. and E. Baumann
Year of Publishing
Skat Foundation
Report on Capacity Building Proiect in Africa The HTN Africa lnitiative
Having made a significant impact on the promotion of water supply technologies in Asia, HTN is now shifting its focus to Africa, one of the most deficient regions of the world in terms of safe water. To maximize the impact of its inputs, the Project will work in close collaboration with HTN partners (governments, NGOs, donors and the private sector).
Two or three sector professionals will be recruited and strategically located by mid 2002. In the intervening period, it is proposed to provide additional support to Africa through the HTN Secretariat under the present UNICEF SSA contract no. S&P/2001/0018. This final report gives an account of progress made so far and expenditure incurred.
Bibliographical Information:
Mudgal, A. K. and E. Baumann (2002) Report on Capacity Building Proiect in Africa. The HTN Africa lnitiative , HTN , Skat Foundation , St. Gallen, Switzerland
Report on Capacity Building Project in Africa