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Holm, R., Wandschneider, P., Felsot, A. and Msilimba, G.
Year of Publishing
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 2016, 35:20. DOI: 10.1186/s41043-016-0057-x
Mzuzu University
Achieving the sustainable development goals: A case study of the complexity of water quality health risks in Malawi
A field study was conducted in the city of Mzuzu, Malawi, to study water quality (total coliform and
Escherichia coli) and human dimensions leading to development of a public health risk communication strategy in a
peri-urban area. A structured household questionnaire was administered to adult residents of 51 households,
encompassing 284 individuals, who were using the 30 monitored shallow wells.
The water quality data and human dimension questionnaire results were used to develop a household risk
presentation. Sixty-seven percent and 50 % of well water and household drinking water samples, respectively,
exceeded the WHO health guideline of zero detections of E. coli. Technology transfer was advanced by providing
knowledge through household risk debriefing/education, establishing a water quality laboratory at the local
university, and providing training to local technicians.
Bibliographical Information:
Holm, R., Wandschneider, P., Felsot, A. and Msilimba, G. (2016) Achieving the sustainable development goals: A case study of the complexity of water quality health risks in Malawi. , Mzuzu University , Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 2016, 35:20. DOI: 10.1186/s41043-016-0057-x