Dotun Adekile, Max Karen & Kerstin Danert

Year of Publishing

Skat Foundation

Skat Foundation

Borehole Drilling Supervision Short Course, Zambia (2018)


A Short Course on Drilling Supervision that place in Zambia in July 2018 as part of the Project Collaboration Agreement (PCA) 2017-2019 between UNICEF and Skat Foundation. Twenty five participants took part in the course, of which four were women and 18 were young professionals (i.e. aged 35 or under). The learning objectives of the training course were that by the end of the course, the participants would:
• Understand the importance of effective supervision in borehole construction for sustainability
• Understand the steps and detailed actions required in full time supervision
• Understand the steps and detailed actions required in part time supervision
• Be able to quality assure and certify drilling records
• Be in a position to undertake borehole construction supervision

Developing and running the course was made possible with financial support from UNICEF Programme Division, Skat Foundation and UNICEF Zambia. The course was carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection Zambia.

Bibliographical Information:

Dotun Adekile, Max Karen & Kerstin Danert (2018) Borehole Drilling Supervision Short Course, Zambia (2018). , Skat Foundation , Skat Foundation

More Information

» Video: Borehole Drilling Supervision Short Course, Zambia, 2018


Professionalising Groundwater Development in Zambia: Short Course on Drilling Supervision

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Professionalising Groundwater Development in Zambia course: Unit 1

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Professionalising Groundwater Development in Zambia course: Unit 2

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Professionalising Groundwater Development in Zambia course: Unit 3

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